Title: Intervention program in adaptive skills of the Bogatell Occupational Center. Authors: Vert, S., MJ Pujol i Altres. Year: 1998
Title: The Compulsory Secondary School Curriculum of the Taiga School: socialization and education strategies from the principles of the LOGSE and the AAMR. Authors: MJ Pujol, M. Martínez i Altres. Year: 2001
Title: Games and activities to achieve the curriculum of the infant stage of the Taiga School. Authors: MJ Pujol, A. Plantada i Altres. Year 2002
Title: We Learn to Read: Program and activity sheets. Authors: MJ Pujol, A. Plantada i Altres. Year 2003
Title: Get excited!: We will help you: Accompaniment program for young people and adults with MR. Authors: J. Font, S. Vert i Altres. Year: 2004
Title: From 2 to the supermarket: program and activity sheets. Authors: MJ pujol, A. Plantada i Altres. Year: 2004
Title: Welcome to… INOUT Hostel Barcelona! Authors: MJ Pujol, C. Ródenas i Altres. Year 2009